Pay Once and Place Orders All Year
Save 15% + Free Delivery to a Brewery Near You
Farm Family
City Slicker
Join and reap the benefits
Convenient & Customizable
✔No deep freezer required
✔ No unrecognizable cuts that end up in the back of your freezer
✔ Delivery to a local brewery near you
Secure & Reliable
✔ 100% satisfaction guaranteed
✔ Food handled with care to prevent the spread of food-borne pathogens and COVID
✔ Weekly newsletters and text communication on pick-up day
Fair & Affordable
✔ Secure payment and transactions through our online store
✔ Receive a 15% discount for yearly payment up front
Local & Sustainable
✔ No GMO feed
✔ All local and sustainably-raised
✔ Rotational grazing only
Pick up your order and get a free drink
We have partnered with local breweries across the Triangle to offer “happy hour” pick-ups for customers and members. We purchase drink vouchers for each order in exchange for space in their walk-in cooler.
Drop-Off Locations
Eno River Brewing | Hillsborough | Tuesdays 4-9pm
Steel String Brewery | Carrboro | Wednesdays 5-10pm
Fullsteam Brewery | Durham | Thursdays 5-10pm
Riparian Provision Co. | Raleigh | every other Thursday 5-9pm or Fridays 12-9pm
Botanist and Barrel | Cedar Grove | Fridays 4-7pm or Saturdays 12-7pm
Edens Farm Store | Cedar Grove | Saturdays 9-2pm
Three Steps to Help You Determine if Our Farm Membership is Right for You
1.) Check out the pictures of the sample shares on our membership page to get a sense of what the average volume looks like with each share size. Bear in mind that you get to put your own order together, so the volume of your order may be smaller with cuts like Filet mignon, or larger with a Picnic roast or broth bones.
2.) Check out the tabs on our website. We have images and descriptions of most items that we keep in stock with a price per pound and estimated price for package for each item. Check the tabs on the home page banner. Note: Our prices are comparable to what you might find at a reputable local farmer’s market that features pasture-raised meat. They are also subject to change.
3.) Try it! Receive a free dozen eggs with your first delivery. Create an account in our online store and place an order and two to see if you like it.
Still have questions? Drop us a line at